Major Global MICE Tradeshows 2022

FITUR Madrid 19-23January
SITE Global Conference Dublin 20-23 April
AIME Melbourne – Australia 28 March-1 April
Interntaional CONFEX London 8-9 March
IBTM Asia Singapore 5-6 April
IMEX Frankfurt Frankfurt 31 May – 02 June
IBTM AMERICAS Mexico 24-25 August
IT&CM CHINA Shanghai 28-30 November
IMEX AMERICA Las Vegas 10-13 October
IT&CM Asia Bangkok, Thailand 20-22 September
ICCA Congress Poland 6-9 November
IBTM WORLD Barcelona 29 Nov -1 December
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It was a great learning experience. The organisers had taken keen interest and there was application of mind on every smallest issue. The convention would go a long way in helping our organisation in organising National and International events. I would rate overall performance as ‘Outstanding’.

Dr. Yudhbir Singh, Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology